The Circular Economy

Circularity in Manufacturing

Manufacturers play a pivotal role in the wider societal shifts to replace the traditional linear take-make-dispose model with a closed-loop circle where resources are repaired, reused, and recycled. 

  • Defining Circular Economy. 
  • Circularity in manufacturing. 
  • Product life extension & reverse supply chain networks. 

What is the Circular Economy?

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible, reducing waste and optimizing resource use. Instead of the traditional take-make-dispose model, the circular economy creates a closed-loop system where resources are reused.
Reduce, reuse, repair.
Recapture, refurbish.
Remanufacture, recycle.

What does circular economy mean for manufacturers?

Circularity can lower sourcing risks and costs, improve efficiencies, and open new markets but also mean designing products for repair and disassembly. More importance is placed on field maintenance and reverse supply chains to close loops and extend product life depending on complexity and value of product.
Lower sourcing risks and costs.
Open new markets.
Reverse supply chains close loops.

How does Syncron help?

As manufacturing shifts towards a circular economy, close collaboration and consolidation of product information is needed across the value chain. Syncron data platform optimizes reverse supply chain networks and streamlines the end-to-end repair and maintenance process.
Comply with environmental regulations.
Extend product lifespan.
Streamline product returns.