
End-to-End Service Delivery & The Customer Experience

Quality Redefined: How End-to-End Service Delivery is Transforming the Customer Experience

Recent events such as the coronavirus pandemic have made one thing abundantly clear: Disruption will continue to play a starring role in the “next normal.” When the world went into lockdown, some companies went under while others sought new ways to do business. As a result, durable goods manufacturers and service organizations have had to rethink their operations and offer customers a service experience that meets their increasingly high expectations.

One way to accomplish this goal is to offer an end-to-end service experience. This allows organizations to deliver an even better value proposition to customers by becoming a one-stop-shop for all of their needs. And IDC research shows that’s exactly what consumers want. When asked to rank the top five drivers for their organization, service operation professionals cited three primary issues, including faster response to product quality and service issues, improved customer metrics, and the establishment of more capabilities around remote service, collaboration, and resolution.

The New Frontier of Service Delivery

Remote. Contactless. Self-service. These concepts are changing the traditional service delivery model—which has historically relied on in-person interaction—by shifting it to the virtual realm. To ensure the safety of both customers and service workers, everything from installations to repairs and maintenance is being optimized for contactless delivery. According to IDC’s 2021 Product & Service Innovation Global Survey, only one-third of product lifecycle management (PLM) and service lifecycle management (SLM) teams will collaborate regularly in-person moving forward, signifying a major shift from previous years.

This operational shift is also important for the long-term customer experience manufacturers and service organizations are able to offer. As some customers delay new equipment purchases due to the pandemic, they will need to keep their existing assets in good condition. That means service organizations should focus on delivering higher-quality service, not only to keep customers happy but to drive new revenue streams. In a competitive marketplace, this is a key differentiator.